I had a course on software engineering where different life cycle models, stages of a software creation process is given. Different processes and methods are given to manage the process. When i had a similar session in the company it said that these things should be a second nature to you not a checklist or laws to be followed to the word each and every time.
So i think is religion it is a set or collection of principles rules general rule of thumb which are not "that" sacrosanct to be not to violated. They are "GUIDE"lines which can be broken in cases.
It is when we concretize these knowledge wisdom that we create laws as a bar beyond which one cannot fall. This let people to fall to the common level so as to be on the safer side.
We all cry about public conduct of indians and our habits. Can these be encompassed in law? Can we really encompass ethics, morality, intent within concrete and crisp definitions of law. NO
Law as a father to the truant child can work in extreme cases who will provide the solace that things dont get out of hand but what will happen when things are not in an emergency state but the soceity is slowly degrading without anybody noticing. This same problem comes in the form of cinema censorship, ip copyrrights.
I think it needs mother of ethics and culture.
Following is another related article written by me which could not get published, Though similar thoughts are given do read it whole:
What exactly is religion? One of the many perspectives is belief in and reverence for a supernatural power. But hardly anybody sees miracles (except some movies) in this life. Alternate view of religion could be a way of life which prescribes some do's and dont's so as to create individual and social harmony. They are principles, guides to be followed so that society doesn't go astray.
Religion is belief on what has been written in sacred text, spoken by great leaders for humans to follow for happiness of all. So is software engineering.
Let me clarify my point. You may differ in it in many ways.Let us identify both of there domains. Both of them tend to be dogmatic i.e. they will preach about practises which would best result in work or life. Both of them have a connection to source of knowledge, priests in religion and software engineering (SE) practitioners who would reveal sacred secrets of the field.
Now comes my main point. Religion and SE are both guidelines, heuristics, thumbrules or synthesis of knowledge that great people have made and told to lesser mortals. You can use them in case they are helpful but those are not absolute truths. You should have a pragmatic approach and look for yourself wether you are being benefitted by them rather than blindly following them.
They should be like second nature to you.
PS: Matters of religion are quite touchy these are my personal views and you can always differ with them