Thursday, May 17, 2007

Quark's Law

Moore's law, Murphy's Law, this law, that law

Now comes quark's law: 'There exists one more law than the number of laws you can count'


desh said...

its most probably much more than one more

TheQuark said...

that is the point my friend. You count n laws and you will get one more so you n+1. But you have counted n+1 so .........

desh said...

please change the post name to Quark's Law

Unknown said...

Isn't Quark a type of German yoghurt?
Therefore the law fails as per Popper's falsification hypothesis (i.e. it is not a law its a yoghurt) and ceases to exist.

Naresh said...

This is one law I trust... :D

EggHe/\D said...

some cheesy comments here.
name a law as "law da".
please do mention here about the other law you mentioned about there will always be a number greater than what you are thinking ...

TheQuark said...

@ninru: That law my friend belongs to Mr. Peano and his fellow mathematics so deeply into formal mathematics that they should be put in formal-di-hyde

@robin's-son: Stop pushing popper around though shalt end with an empty stack ;)