Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Klisht Hindi

Heard of words like shishu, twacha, poshan I am sure images of an advertisement should prop up in your mind. Such pure Hindi is to be heard in advertisement let alone Hindi news channels


Kapil Barve said...

Also the words like Nirmalata, Komalta, aahar, abhimaan.

desh said...

and also on the sidelines of railway-patri ads

Unknown said...

umm... guys.. you would be shocked to know that these words are just normal hindi. the actual 'klisht' hindi is beyond a normal layman's comprehension. believe me, for i have racks of tomes in the next room.

these words have been in common usage for the last 100 years, actual klisht hindi have earlier origin than that.

TheQuark said...

Dear SyntaxError,
Get the semantics right :)
I have mentioned that such words are hard to 'hear' in layman speak. Surely everyone, at least in the Hindi speaking belt knows them but I see no one using them in their normal, informal communications.

सुरेश चौधरी प्रस्तुति said...

mitr var,
gahan pathan ki awashyakta hai, aap sajjanon ko, uprokt shabdawali sadharan bolchal ki hai, sahityik shabdawali jo sanskrit se sugathit hai use klisht kah sakte hain, udaharan swaroop, akash ko vyom kahen, sury ko vyush ya savita kahen ityadi